The POs, Tom and Barbara, came up and we had a beautiful day to sail over for the survey.
Tom took good care of the boat for over 20 years and turned over a file box full of records, receipts and manuals. They were selling for health reasons and were very happy to have a buyer that appreciated the boat's style, workmanship, and care.
Karl (Dick) Hellberg our highly recommended surveyor rated her:
I was giddy as a school girl. . . on arrival at the yard. The Yard manager suggested I take these pictures for the next guy that lifted her out so they'd know where to place the straps. These are when we carrying her over for the splash.
Dick was very informative during the survey. As we dug and poked he pointed out aspects of the boats construction and condition.
But Dick pointed out the advantage of applying fresh bottom paint before she went back in the water. So, I offered to paint Tom's boat, if that was OK with him,
and Lisa polished... three days later she was back in the water.
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